Here's a collection of the most helpful books, blogs, podcasts, etc. that I've collected over the years.
​I love reading and I love to learn. These books have helped me understand parenting and motherhood through a new view.
1. Mindful Parenting by Oli Doyle- Find peace and joy through stress-free, conscious parenting: Find peace and joy through stress-free, conscious parenting. ​
​2. Beyond Intelligence by Dona Matthews & Joanne Foster - Secrets for Raising Happily Productive Kids​
3. How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish
There's hardly ever enough time to sit and learn about a topic at large. I use podcasts to learn on the go.
1. Mom and Dad Are Fighting - Hilarious but insightful ways to learn about parenting struggles and strategies
2. Tilt Parenting - On raising differently wired kids. A great resource for all parents, especially those of little ones with big emotions
3. Good Inside with Dr. Becky - Dr Becky is a clinical psychologist and a mom of three. She answers tough parenting questions and delivers actionable guidelines
​These blogs below are all by moms and inspired me to start my own. I've found them immensely helpful.
1. Peds Doc Talk- Dr Mona is amazing and a paediatrician mom. She shares knowledge in a very methodical way and provides science based resources for health related worries. Good resource for everyone but especially first time moms.
2. Big Little Feelings - "Real talk” on emotional regulation, big feelings and handling tantrums by two parent coach moms. They have courses as well.
3. Nadine Estille- Nadine is a momma coach who helps stressed moms find work life balance and has great resources for career pathing.