Preparing for a baby to arrive can feel extremely overwhelming, and rightfully so. No matter how much preparation goes into it, it can leave you feeling slightly unready and lost.
But, all that preparation is going to definitely help you.
You'll know what to expect, somewhat.
You'll know where to reach out for help, somewhat.
You'll have help, somewhat.
See where I'm going? ;)
Well, jokes aside, here's a few resources that have helped me in those early days after my baby arrived. Getting help that took tasks off my todo list helped me focus better.
Whether it was some help needed with cleaning my home, an emergency nanny or simply preparing myself for sending my baby to daycare, I looked for help and found that there's help out there.
Baby Prep classes: Baby Prep™ Prenatal Sessions – Prenatal Classes in Vancouver, BC. Link
House cleaning by Handy: https://www.handy.com/r/RASIKA5879/
Day care resources: Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre : https://www.wstcoast.org/
Nanny resources: https://canadiannanny.ca
Day care inspection reports: https://inspections.vcha.ca/
Tiffin services: YOGI'S Kitchen | YogiK's Place Order https://yogiskitchen.ca/place_order?v=trial#
We don't have to do it alone and we don't have to do everything. So, if you are able to, reach out for some help. Your future self will thank you.
Talk to us:
Have you used a service that helped you, even a little bit, during those pre & post-pregnancy days? Share below so others can learn from your experience and make these already overwhelming moments a teeny bit easier.