Have you been curious about trying out a massage service? I can tell you from my own experience that it can be a great aid towards healing your postpartum body.
Benefits of Postpartum Massage include but are not limited to pain relief, hormone regulation, better sleep. However, please consult with your doctor before going for a massage as there can be some safety factors to consider like high blood pressure or preeclampsia (WebMd reference)
Here's a few services I have worked with. If you try these, let me know below about your experience.
Mobile massage service : someone who will come home and massage a new mom
Infant massage: Parents bring their baby (or multiple babies) to our small group classes to learn « hands-on » infant massage.
Talk to us
Have you tried a massage service that is not listed below, but love it? Tell me! Let's add to this list and help other new mommies find what they need.